Category 1 fires
- Three metres in diameter or smaller.
- Piles no more than two metres high.
- Burning within 60 metres of forestland.
- Multiple piles must be at least 10 metres apart.
- No more than four piles burning at one time.
- Must be attended at all times.
If you light a fire, you must make sure it is extinguished before leaving the area. You must have the landowner’s permission before igniting a fire on private land.
Consult the Backyard fireplaces brochure for the best practices to follow when installing/maintaining a fireplace in your backyard.
Category 2, 3 and 4 fires require permits and inspection by Forest Services officer from Natural Resources. You must call the Richibucto District Office (Natural Resources) at (506) 523-7600. Consult the Burning Permit brochure for the criterias of a category 2, 3 and 4 fire.