As reflected in its slogan ‘P’tite ville en campagne", the Village of Saint-Antoine is known for the quality of life, the many services offered, the proximity to an urban center and the economic and community vitality. It’s a place that attracts young families, has a welcoming population and a growing community.
In addition to numerous sports and recreational facilities, the municipality has a water and sewer system throughout the territory. The tax rate is among the lowest in New Brunswick.
In order to promote sustainable residential development within the municipality, the municipal council has established a Politique- Incitatif financier en matière de développement résidentiel durable (only available in French). The municipality offers predetermined amounts for the construction of single-family, semi-detached and row-type houses, or multi-family dwellings such as apartment buildings. If you would like to submit an incentive request, you must complete the formulaire de demande d’incitatif en matière de développement résidentiel (only available in French) and return it to the municipal office with the documents requested.
If you are an entrepreneur with a residential development project, see La trousse de développement du Village de Saint-Antoine (only available in French). The purpose of this document is to assist the developer in obtaining the necessary approvals and standards to follow in order to proceed with the construction of a new development.
For building permits, land subdivisions and zoning, see the Urban Planning page.
For more information:
Tina Bitcon
Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk
(506) 525-4021